Organic Eggs – An Egg-Ceptional Superfood

Organic Eggs are one of the few foods that can be classified as “superfoods”. They are loaded with nutrients,minerals, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants.Organic eggs come from chickens that were given 100 percent organic feed, free of any agricultural chemical residues.  The chickens are also treated humanely, can roam their natural surroundings, forage on their natural food and lay eggs the way god intended them to, in natural egg laying cycles.

bannerOrganic eggs are powerhouse of vitamins. Vitamin A helps maintain your immune system and healthy skin, hair and eyes. Beta-carotene, which accounts for the dark orange color of organic egg yolks, is a precursor to vitamin A in your body. It also functions as an antioxidant, helping to prevent chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Vitamin E is also an antioxidant that helps to maintain healthy red blood cells, nerve function and cell membranes.

The protein in organic eggs is the highest -quality protein found in in any food. Our skin, muscles, glands and other organs require protein to remain healthy. Growth and repair of cells also relies on amino acids found in protein.

Organic eggs are rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. The healthy benefits of Omega 3 are remarkable, it increase cardiovascular health, slow down plaque growth in arteries, reduce inflammation and promote brain development.

Organic eggs also taste better. The yolk is more orange than yellow in color, it has more flavor than a conventional egg.But before you start hoarding eggs from your local supermarket, consider this: Farm fresh certified organic eggs are the ones that can truly provide you with all these wholesome nutrients.

To know more about certified organic eggs visit: